Start Generating Ideas
An idea can take you places. Never ignore a thought shaping in your mind to generate a constructive idea. Always remember that no idea is big or small. One cannot ascertain when an idea can take shape in your mind or pass as a fleeting image. The essence is to capture the idea instantly.
1. Put down your thoughts on paper:
Immediately jot down your idea. It is a good idea to carry a notepad that you can slip into your purse or pocket. Some other alternative options are using a digital diary or the “Make Notes” option on your cell phone. The point is to put down your thoughts in writing as soon as you get an idea.
2. Brainstorm with family and friends
Two heads are better than one, the more the merrier. Brainstorming ideas with family and friends is a great way to generate ideas. However silly the viewpoint may be, listening to it and jotting down points give you an insight into thoughts different from yours or thoughts that you may not even have thought about.
3. Read relevant scientific or subject based books or magazines
Systematic research on a topic is possible if you target the right literary material; books, magazines or journals.
4. Browse the internet
It is a great idea to browse subject specific websites from authority .org sites preferably from accredited institutions, universities and government organizations. Use the search option to target specific topic related searches for recent relevant information.
5. Healthy timely eating habits, regular sleep and exercise
Discipline and order in your life with regular timely eating habits, sleep patterns and exercise are essential. A positive mindset and proactive thinking can generate constructive thoughts and ideas which when used can give positive returns.
6. Practice meditation, yoga for positive mind management
Emotional health in influenced by mind management techniques in the form of meditation, yoga, positive thinking. Positive mental health gives clarity, focus and better results. This enables great constructive ideas to be generated.